The random nature of the ailment can be troublesome, but if you don't get the ailment you want when you drop Phantom, you can throw down his clone as well for a second chance! Elite Promotion Discussionģrd Skill - Night Raid - This version of the Phantom is less interested in "music of the night" and more focused on "murder of the night." Night Raid is a damaging AoE attack used immediately upon deployment that pushes targets away and inflicts either Stun, Slow, or Bind. Great damage and crowd control potential, but can get DP-expensive very quickly with multiple redeploys. Phantom gives you two fast-redeploy Operators in 1 edgy package. Are you ready to begin? Newbie Tier List Explanation All he asks of you is to look with your heart and see the beauty underneath.

However, a creative Doctor can make great use of this angel of music’s ability to be set down once more, over and over again, in a fight to adjust the flow of battle. Like other Fast-Redeploy Operators, his base stats are mediocre-especially for a 6★ unit-and constantly redeploying both him and his clone to maximize their effectiveness can quickly burn through your DP reserves. Phantom is not an easy Operator to use (you might say he’s something of a prima donna ). This is a crowd-control Skill, and it’s surprisingly spammable thanks to the low cooldown on Phantom’s clone: deploy the clone to trigger the Skill, retreat it immediately, then deploy our dear old friend again for another round of CC. All enemies affected are pushed away and inflicted with a random movement-impairing debuff: Slow, Bind, or Stun. Night Raid causes Phantom to deal damage in an AoE around him when deployed.This is his assassination Skill, used to eliminate key enemy targets.

One stack is consumed every time he attacks until the buff runs out, at which point you can retreat and redeploy him to refresh the stacks.